
Template articles

Visita la Grotta del Bue Marino!

Come arrivare

Le grotte del Bue Marino sono raggiungibili via mare con battello, da diverse località del Golfo di Orosei.

Nel porto di Cala Gonone possono essere acquistati i biglietti nei box dedicati. 


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Custom HTML elements



Columns needs main wrapper with gkCols class and data-cols attribute:

<div class="gkCols" data-cols="2">
First column content
Second column content

You can create a layout with 2-5 columns using this structure.



The newsletter custom HTML code is a structure for very simple newsletter form:

<form action="#" class="gk-newsletter">
<p><input type="email" placeholder="Enter Email Address"> <input type="button" value="Join"></p>

As you can see it uses the form element with gk-newsletter CSS class, and two basic input fields.

Social icons

Social icons

Social icons have a very simple structure based on links placed in the container with gk-social class:

<div class="gk-social">
<a href="#" class="gk-twitter"></a>
<a href="#" class="gk-facebook"></a>
<a href="#" class="gk-youtube"></a>
<a href="#" class="gk-gplus"></a>



If you want to create a banner inside the inset column, please use the following syntax:

<a href="#" class="gkBanner"><img src="/templates/2013_12/images/demo/banner_inset.jpg" alt="Banner"></a>

Page Title

Page title

The page title element is created from the active menu item title attribute, or if it is blank - from the menu item name:

Page title - value

If you want to disable the page title totally or on the specific pages - you can use the following options in the template "Features" settings:

Page title - settings

Please remember that you can: enable page title on the specific pages or disable page title on the specific pages. Of course without adding rules for the specific menu items or components you can enable/disable page title for all pages.


Joomla! offers three different types of messages. Creatings standard information about Joomla! system is presented depending on a message type as follows:


  • This is a sample message
  • This is a sample of notice message
  • This is a sample of error message

Module variations

On this page you can see basic suffixes used in this template.

01The clear suffix is very useful to create banners or images without additional borders, margins and paddings. The clear suffix is also very useful inside the mainbody, mainbody_top and mainbody_bottom module positions.

02For News Show Pro GK5, Tabs GK5 and Image Show GK4 modules please always disable usage of the default CSS styles in the module settings.

03If you want to put a banner in the inset, please also use the banner and clear suffixes.

04If you want to remove the background image while using the module in the header on the frontpage, please add the noBg page suffix.

05For modules which should have bigger width than other modules on the top1, top2, bottom1, bottom2 or bottom3 module position, please add the double suffix. Please remember that this suffix should be applied to the first module in the group. Otherwise it won't work.

06The newsletter suffix should be used if you want to place the newsletter module on the right side of the modules group.

07The News Show Pro GK5 module has few additional suffixes: list - for displaying items in one column with horizontal borders, list-small - the same as the previous suffix, but dedicated for small images in the articles on the left, showcase - for displaying articles with header overlaying the image and with icon over the image, showcase-small - similar to the previous suffix, but without the icon over image and with smaller header over the image.

08For the banner_right module position, we have created the special module suffix - highlights

09 If you want to display tabs over the header image in the banner_left module position please also add the transparent suffix.

10You can put an icon to the module title using the following syntax in the title: [icon-NAME] i.e. [icon-cog]. Additionally you can specify the icon color using one of the following classes: icon-color1, icon-color2, icon-color3, icon-color4.

Module positions

Warning! The article_inset module position is available only in the Joomla! and K2 article view.

Important fact! We have created two template instances in order of creating subpages with different columns layout - one for the frontpage and one for the content.

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